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In this document we're only setting up the necessary configuration changes into ~/.aws/config to get started using vegas-credentials as a credential source.

As in most use cases you do not invoke vegas-credentials commands yourself but instead configure it as a credential source for credential_process in AWS configuration at ~/.aws/config. If you're interested in the different commands & configuration options passed directly to vegas-credentials command, see CLI.

Source Profile

  1. You must have an AWS IAM User (source) profile credentials configured in ~/.aws/credentials, for example:

    # ~/.aws/credentials
    aws_access_key_id = AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE
    aws_secret_access_key = wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY
  2. As vegas-credentials is only meant for assuming roles with MFA, you must configure mfa_serial into ~/.aws/config for your source profile:

    # ~/.aws/config
    mfa_serial = arn:aws:iam::111111111111:mfa/FrankSinatra

Assumable Profile

Once you've configured your source profile, you can start defining the assumable profile (target role) in ~/.aws/config. This is where things get interesting and slighly differentiate from normal AWS configuration:

  1. Configure credential_process pointing into vegas-credentials assume command (with profile name matching the ini section title) with target IAM Role ARN & Source Profile:

    # ~/.aws/config
    [profile frank@concerts]
    credential_process = vegas-credentials assume --profile=frank@concerts

    Note: role_arn & source_profile MUST be prefixed with vegas_ to prevent AWS tooling to ignore credential_process setting and to prevent Terraform failing.

  1. Additionally you may provide any other default AWS configuration options:

    # ~/.aws/config
    [profile frank@concerts]
    credential_process = vegas-credentials assume --profile=frank@concerts

    # You may also provide any other additional/optional standard AWS configuration, such as:
    region = us-west-1
    duration_seconds = 4383
    role_session_name = SinatraAtTheSands
    external_id = 0093624694724

Testing it out

Once source & assumable profiles are configured, you may use any AWS tools (such as the AWS CLI) to test it out:

aws sts get-caller-identity --profile frank@concerts

Running this command should prompt you for the MFA code which you can input either via GUI Prompt or by typing the code into your Terminal (Standard Input) and pressing enter key.

If the above command succeeds, you should see an output something like below:

"UserId": "AROAUYE2CI3XK7EXAMPLE:SinatraAtTheSands",
"Account": "222222222222",
"Arn": "arn:aws:sts::222222222222:role/SingerRole/SinatraAtTheSands"